Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cheat Need For Speed Pc

ini adalah cheat dari games need for speed Pc:

cheat need for speed yang pertama: Need For Speed Most Wanted Pc:

English=    Type the following codes at the intro screen. This is the screen that says "CLICK to Continue" right after the intro movies and BEFORE the main menu. If entered correctly, a message will come up letting you know what you have unlocked:

Indonesia=    Ketik kode berikut di layar intro. Ini adalah layar yang mengatakan "KLIK untuk Lanjutkan" tepat setelah film intro dan SEBELUM menu utama. Jika dimasukkan dengan benar, sebuah pesan akan muncul memberitahu Anda apa yang telah dibuka:

iammostwanted - membuka semua mobil
givemethegto - diberi mobil gto
 burgerking - tantangan burgerking terbuka
castrol - Ford GT terbuka dengan Castrol decals

yang kedua: Need For Speed Underground 2 Pc:

English=    Enter the following codes without spaces at the Press Enter screen before loading a profile:
Indonesia=    Masukkan kode berikut tanpa spasi di Tekan Enter layar sebelum memuat profil:

opendoors - The Doors sponsor mobil
yodogg - Snoop Dogg sponsor mobil
 wannacapone - Capone sponsor mobil
shinestreetbright - ShinestStreet sponsor mobil
wintmyd3 - D3 sponsor mobil
davidchoeart - David Choe sponsor mobil
tunejapantuning - Japantuning sponsor mobil
gimmechingy - Chingy Navigator sponsor mobil
needmybestbuy - Best Buy stiker di karir mode
goforoldspice - OldSpice stiker in karir mode
gottahavebk - BurgerKing stiker di karir mode
gotmycingular - Cingular stiker in karir mode
gottaedge - Edge stiker in karir mode
needperformance1 - Terbuka mesin level 1
needperformance2 - Terbuka mesin level 2
gimmevisual1 - Terbuka aksesoris level 1
gimmevisual2 - Terbuka aksesoris level 1
ordermebaby - $1,000 di kerir mode, RX-8 and Skyline di pertandingan kecepatan
regmybank - $200 di karir mode
regmebaby - $20,000 di karir mode

yang ketiga: Need For Speed Carbon Pc:

 English=     At the "Click to continue" screen or main menu, type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Indonesia=     Pada "Klik untuk melanjutkan" layar atau utama menu, ketik salah satu kode berikut untuk mengaktifkan fungsi cheat.

canyonalltheway - Semua Lintasan
Shinycarsarethebestcars - Mobil Krom
5grand5grand - Tunai Castrol
Friendlyheadlocksapplied - Anak kapal tak terbatas
Nosforeverever - NOS tak terbatas
Slowitdownwhenyouwant - SpeedBreaker tak terbatas
Givemethechargersrt8 - 2006 Dodge Charger SRT8
Givemethedb9 - 2005 Aston Martin DB9
Chasingheadlocksappliedrashtalk - Mazda Dealership
Speed3foryou - Mazda Speed3
Watchoutthebigtruckishere - Truk di tempat sampah
Bigredfiredrive - Truk api lomba kecepatan
Trashtalking - Tank lomba kecepatan
Guesswhoisback - Cross Corvette Z06 di lomba kecepatan
Chasingmobile - Corvette Z06 Interceptor di lomba kecepatan
Cooperlogofreeforyou - Cooper Tire Logo
Pharrellvinylgogo - Pharrell Stiker
Lotsoffreevinyls - NFS: Carbon Spesial Stiker
Lotsoffreelogos - NFS: Carbon Stiker
Syntecskin - Castrol Syntec Stiker
Inthezoneskin - Autozone Stiker

yang keempat: Need For Speed Pro Street Pc:

English=     Entering cheats for NFS Prostreet is more then easy. Just select CODE ENTRY option from the career menu, then choose SECRET CODE. Enter any of the following and press ENTER:

Indonesia=      Memasuki menipu untuk NFS ProStreet adalah lebih mudah. Hanya pilih opsi KODE ENTRY dari menu karir, kemudian pilih KODE RAHASIA. Masukkan salah satu dari berikut dan tekan ENTER:

SAFETYNET: 5 Free Repair Markers
CASHMONEY: Add $10,000
REGGAME: Add $10,000 plus Bonus Cars
COLLECTORSED&: Free Collector's Edition Upgrade
ITSABOUTYOU: Unlock Audi TT3.8 Quattro
CASTROLSYNTEC: Unlock Castrol Syntec Decal
HORSEPOWER: Unlock Chevrolet Chevelle SS
ZEROZEROZERO: Unlock Coke Zero Volkswagen Golf GTI
ENERGIZERLITHIUM: Unlock Energizer Lithium Decal
WORLDSLONGESTLASTING: Unlock Energizer Lithium Dodge Viper
MITSUBISHIGOFAR: Unlock Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 

 yang kelima:Need For Speed Shift 2 Pc:

    Semi-Pro (10 points): Reached Driver Level 10.
    Veteran (75 points): Reached Driver Level 20.
    Road to Glory (10 points): Beaten your first Rival.
    Proving Grounds (10 points): Won JR's GTR Challenge.
    Recommended (5 points): Completed an event recommended by a friend.
    Cub Scout (10 points): Won your first Event Set badge.
    The Driver's battle (5 points): Completed an event purely from helmet cam.
    Dominator (100 points): Beaten all the Rivals.
    Works Champion (50 points): Beat Mad Mike Whiddett and won the Works Championship.
    Going the extra mile (25 points): Completed 250 Event Objectives.
    GT3 Champion (50 points): Beat Patrick Soderlund and won the FIA GT3 European Championship.
    I. Am. Iron Man. (10 points): Placed 1st in 5 consecutive Online events.
    GT1 Champion (100 points): Beat Jamie Campbell-Walter and won the FIA GT1 World Championship.
    Amateur (5 points): Reached Driver Level 5.
    Day Walker (50 points): Mastered every location in day or dusk.
    Night Rider (100 points): Mastered every location at night.
    Pro (50 points): Reached Driver Level 15.
    Bounty Hunter (20 points): Earned $10,000,000 total during your career.
    King of the Hill (10 points): Won your first Driver Duel Championship crown.
    Leno would be proud (10 points): Have at least one car from each manufacturer in your garage.
    Badge Hunter (10 points): Earned 50 Badges.
    Badge Collector (50 points): Earned 100 Badges.
    Badge Earner (5 points): Earned 10 Badges.
    Workaholic (10 points): Upgraded 3 vehicles to Works spec.
    Grass Roots (10 points): Completed JR's Grass Roots event.
    In The Zone (10 points): Won an Online event from helmet cam.
    Notorious (25 points): Played Online for over 10 hours total.
    Intercept & Pursue (10 points): Completed an Online Catchup Pack and Online Catchup Duel event.
    I'm Going To Hollywood! (10 points): Got through the Qualifying round in the Driver Duel Championship.
    Paparazzi (5 points): Shared a photo or replay with others.
    Race License (50 points): Won 75 Career events on Hard difficulty.
    Sizzlin' (10 points): Beaten the 1st Target Time in a Hot Lap event.
    Competition License (10 points): Won 50 Career events on Medium difficulty or higher.
    Elitist (10 points): Placed 1st in an event using Elite handling model.
    Sports License (10 points): Won 25 Career events on Easy difficulty or higher.
    Tic Tac Toe (10 points): Own a Modern, Retro, and Muscle car.
    Dialled In (10 points): Used On-Track Tuning to save a Tuning Setup for a car.
    Globetrotter (20 points): Competed at every location in the game.
    The World is my Oyster (10 points): Unlocked the FIA GT1 Branch.
    Nailed It (10 points): Track Mastered your first location
          yang keenam:Need For Speed Underground 1 Pc:

          English=     In order to enter these codes select "statistics" option at the main menu, then press Delete or Backspace and go back to the main menu. You can now enter the following codes:

           Indonesia=    Untuk memasukkan kode ini pilih "statistik" pilihan pada menu utama, kemudian tekan Delete atau Backspace dan kembali ke menu utama. Sekarang Anda dapat memasukkan kode berikut:
    gimmesomecircuitsUnlock Circuits
    gimmesomesprintsUnlock Sprint Circuits
    gimmesomedragUnlock Drag Circuits
    gimmeppabloUnlock Petey Pablo
    gotcharobzombieUnlock Rob Zombie
    havyamystikalUnlock Mystikal
    needmylostprophetsUnlock Lost Prophets
    119focusUnlock Focus
    893neonUnlock Neon
    899eclipseUnlock Eclipse
    371imprezaUnlock Impreza
    222lancerUnlock Lancer
    922sentraUnlock Sentra
    667tiburonUnlock Tiburon
    334mygolfUnlock Mygolf
    77peugeotUnlock Peugeot
    777rx7Unlock RX7
    350350zUnlock 350Z
    111skylineUnlock Skyline
    221miataUnlock Miata
    973rsx777Unlock RSX
    239celicaUnlock Celica
    342integraUnlock Integra
    240240sxUnlock 240SX
    228supraUnlock Supra
    889civicUnlock Civic
    2000s2000Unlock S2000
    allmylvlonepartsUnlock All Level 1 Parts
    allmylvl2partsUnlock All Level 2 Parts
    2000s2000Unlock Updated Honda 2000
    899civicUnlock Updated Honda Civic
    228supraUnlock Updated Toyota Supra
    342integraUnlock Updated Honda Integra
    239celicaUnlock Updated Toyota Celica
    973rsx777Unlock Updated Mazda RX7
    allmylvlonepartsUnlock Level One Upgrades
    allmylvl2partsUnlock Level Two Upgrades
    SlidingwithstyleUnlock Drift Physics in all the game modes
    driftdriftbabyUnlock all Drift Circuits
    seemylvl1partsUnlock all Level 1 Visual Parts
    seemylvl2partsUnlock all Level 2 Visual Parts
    givemenismoUnlock Nissan Sentra Nismo


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